This course is designed to introduce students to the primates of the world, their evolution, their make-up and habitats. It aims to equip participants with a solid grounding in primate studies and is favourably received by the anthropology department of Oxford Brookes University.
Course Modules
1. What is a Primate?
- Mammals and their characteristics
- The classification of the primates
- The distinction between New World and Old World primates
- The distribution of the primates
- The senses and how they are used
- The diet of primates
- Introduction to primate behaviour
2. The Apes (part 1)
- The gibbons and their characteristics
- Conservation issues related to gibbons
- Diet
- Reproduction
- Communication between gibbons
- The orang utan and its behaviour, including group dynamics
3. The Apes (part 2)
- The great apes - chimpanzees and gorillas
- The distribution of the different subspecies of gorillas and chimpanzees
- Locomotion
- Habitat and diet
- Group dynamics and social behaviour, including communication between individuals
- Reproduction
- Protection, captivity and conservation
- Cultural transmission and learning in chimpanzees
4. Old World Monkeys
- The location of the old world and distribution of the monkeys
- The anatomical characteristics of old world monkeys
- An introduction to some of the old world monkeys ; Cercopithecinae, macaques, baboons, guenons, Colobinae, langurs
5. New World Monkeys
- The location of the new world and distribution of the monkeys
- The differences between Old and New World monkeys and their characteristics
- The Callitrichidae and the Cebidae groups and the species within them, for example marmosets, tamarinds, capuchins
- Howler monkeys and their communication
6. Lorises, Lemurs and Tarsiers
- An introduction to the prosimians
- The lorises and bushbabies and their characteristics
- The lemurs and their unique characteristics due to evolution in isolation from other primates
- The tarsiers and their characteristics
- The tree-shrews and their similarities to primates

Study Level 2
The study Level relates to the how demanding the course is. 1 is beginner and 5 is HND / Foundation Degree level.
6 Module CourseThis course is delivered in 6 study modules which need to be passed to gain the qualification.
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