Product code: ABC-EXOCWB
The course is divided into 10 modules. Module 1 is compulsory. An additional 5 modules must be completed to obtain a diploma. The student may choose the 5 modules from the list below. If all 10 modules are completed, an Advanced Diploma in the subject is awarded.
Each of the following modules examines all aspects of caring for the listed groups of species. Topics include: Commonly kept species, Accommodation, Feeding, Handling, Possible health issues and more........
Course Modules
1) Introduction to Exotics
2) Rabbits and guinea pigs
3) Hamsters, gerbils and chinchillas
4) Snakes and lizards
5) Turtles, tortoises and terrapins
6) Birds
7) Ferrets and hedgehogs
8) Rates and mice
9) Invertebrates, spiders and insects
10) Amphibians